Here you find links of sites related to Inner Ear research. If you know of an interesting site not mentioned here, please send us an email message.

Official homepage of the Association of Research in Otorhinolaryngology.

Multimedia teaching at its BEST !!! The Update of the former website "Promenade around the cochlea" by Thierry and Remy Pujol is a significant contribution to our Audiology teaching system. Site languages: Francais, English, Portuguese and  Espanol.

The Otoacoustic Emissions Portal is an excellent reference for otoacoustic emissions material related to cochlear mechanics and applied biophysics.

Cochlear Fluids Laboratory

UCL Ear Institute

If you are looking for intracellular OHC information and for cells which ROCK this is your site. The Rock-n-roll movie from John Ashmore's HOME page is a MUST download.

The Cochlea

Fabio Mammano's site with good animation material on cochlear mechanics.

Section Physiological Acoustics & Communication Tübingen

Tübingen's site dedicated to the inner ear research.
