Original contributions on the main discussion topics are encouraged. Submit your abstract as an e-mail attachment using the abstract form not later than June 30, 2009, to:
ieb2009@umcutrecht.nl. Please, indicate on the abstract form if you prefer to present an oral presentation or a poster. See below to download the abstract form.
On receipt of the abstract a confirmation will be sent to the e-mail address of the corresponding author as indicated on the abstract form. Abstracts sent by telefax or regular mail will not be considered.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to decide if the presentation will be delivered as an oral or as a poster presentation.
At least one of the authors of the abstract is requested to register as a participant to the IEB Workshop by August 16, 2009. Failure to register will result in exclusion of the presentation.
- The abstract must be in English
- Use MS Word for Windows as a text processing program
- Arial (10 points) is the preferred font
- The title of the abstract must be printed in CAPITALS, bold type
- The name(s) of the author(s), the affiliation(s), city and country must be written in bold type. The author(s) must be indicated by their surname(s) followed by initials without dots (i.e., Klis SFL). In case of multiple affiliations, each individual affiliation should be indicated by a reference number
- The use of tables, figures and formulas is not allowed
- The abstract should address the problem and the purpose of the study (OBJECTIVE); how the study was performed (METHODS); the main findings with numerical data and statististical significance (RESULTS); and the main conclusions drawn from the study (CONCLUSIONS)
- Indent each paragraph
- The text should be single spaced and justified
- The text should not exceed 300 words
- Mail to: ieb2009@umcutrecht.nl